CBSAlife Bile Esculin Agar is used to differentiate enterococci and the Streptococcus bovis group from other streptococci.
Rochaix noted the value of esculin hydrolysis in the identification of enterococci. The enterococci were able to split esculin, but other streptococci could not. Meyer and Schonfeld incorporated bile into the esculin medium and showed that 61 of 62 enterococci were able to grow and split esculin, whereas the other streptococci could not. Swan used an esculin medium containing 40% bile salts and reported that a positive reaction on the bile esculin medium correlated with a serological group D precipitin reaction.
Enterococci and certain streptococci hydrolyze the glycoside esculin to esculetin and dextrose. Esculetin reacts with an iron salt to form a dark brown or black complex. Ferric citrate is incorporated into the medium as an indicator of esculin hydrolysis and resulting esculetin formation. Oxgall is used to inhibit gram-positive bacteria other than enterococci.
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